The Wilson Wamukota Memorial Medical Center in Uganda, built and supported by the Conejo Compassion Coalition, has been operating since the fall of 2009. During that time, thousands of rural Ugandans have been treated for a variety of maladies. The health facility pictured above is located in Lwaboba village, in the Mbale district of Eastern Uganda. It operates as a Level III Health Care Facility and is registered by the Uganda Allied Health Professionals Council. The health center is open 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
The health care facility is operated by a staff of 20 full and part time employees including doctors, nurses, a clinical officer, a laboratory technician, and a variety of supporting staff. In 2017 the clinic saw more than 2,900 patients and provided an array of treatments from minor surgery to Malaria protocols and HIV testing.
In 2017 our medical clinic was one of a few clinics in Uganda selected to participate in a Voucher Plus prenatal program co-sponsored by the government of Uganda, Baylor University, and USAID to provide prenatal care for women in poverty. The Village Health Team based at the medical clinic identifies women in need of prenatal care and enrolls them in the program. These women are then provided prenatal, delivery and postnatal care for a period of 10 weeks. The care is provided free of charge to these patients and the government reimburses the medical clinic.
In 2020 the clinic was upgraded to include a theater for minor surgery, an X-Ray machine and dental equipment.